Dear NFDI4Microbiota enthusiasts,
Get to know the three new Use Cases that will work on helping us and YOU to
1. create knowledge graphs for linked microbial data - MicroBioKG by Vanessa
Scharf and Konrad Förstner
2. solve collection of image metadata - LichenMetaImage by Stephanie
Weidtkamp-Peters and Björn Usadel
3. use & contribute to a curated database for viral sequences - VirJenDB by
Noriko Cassmann and Manja Marz
Meeting details:
Tuesday, 26th March from 13:00 - 14:30 CET
Meeting-ID: 630 7779 8681
Kenncode: 973383
Please feel welcome to forward this invitation to your colleagues and collaborators.
Maja Magel
Projektkoordination NFDI4Microbiota
Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie
Research Group Functional Microbiome
Tel.: +49 (0) 241 80-38117
Aufzug D4, Etage 5, Raum 34
Universitätsklinikum Aachen
Pauwelsstraße 30
52074 Aachen