NFDI4Microbiota seasonal greetings
by Goetz, Barbara
Dear NFDI4Microbiota Community members,
on behalf of the Board of Directors and the whole NFDI4Microbiota consortium I sent you seasonal greetings!
In 2023, we could meet, interact, and connect with many of you on the different conferences we attended (i.e. VAAM, DGHM, etc.). In addition, you helped us by giving feedback on your needs and wishes, which was rewarded for some of the participants with a giant microbe and some merchandise. Some of you even applied for the NFDI4Microbiota 2024 Flex Funds call. We appreciate the effort and interest in our work by all of you!
For 2024, we wish and hope for an even closer interaction and would like to draw your attention to a few interesting events in 2024:
1. Our 6th NFDI4Microbiota Community Workshop online on the 5th of February 2024 from 10:00 to 12:00 CEST.
2. This community workshop will be followed by a Knowledge Base Content/Coding Sprint on the 15th of February (10:00 - 17:00 CEST) and 16 February (09:00 - 16:00 CEST) both online and in Cologne. Details will be shared in the beginning of 2024.
3. The 3rd NFDI4Microbiota conference will take place in Leipzig from the 4th to the 6th of December 2024. Details will follow ASAP.
We wish you lovely holidays, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Kind regards,
Barbara Götz
Barbara Götz, M.Sc. Microbiology
Project manager NFDI4Microbiota
Reachable: Mon.-Thu. 7:30 AM - 4 PM; Fri. 7:30 AM - 2 PM
ZB MED - Informationszentrum Lebenswissenschaften
Gleueler Straße 60
50931 Köln<>
1 year, 1 month
Open Call for new NFDI4Microbiota Use Cases - until January 31st 2024
by Magel, Maja
Dear Partners, Participants, Ambassadors, and interested microbiology researchers,
NFDI4Microbiota looks forward to receiving your Use Case submissions for the 2024 call!
Submissions are open until January 31st, 2024.
You can find the document links and more information about the submission procedure here<>.
Wondering what Use Cases are?
In a nutshell, Use Cases will help NFDI4Microbiota to
* test and fine-tune solutions developed within NFDI4Microbiota based on ongoing scientific projects and generate scientific results or reusable tools.
* bring the expertise of several stakeholders involved in the Use Cases together to create elaborate solutions that can be easily adapted by other research projects to make their work more efficient.
* nurture ideas for the consortium to implement additional measures to address newly detected needs.
At the end, the Use Case outcomes will benefit the broad microbiology research community.
We look forward to your Use Case.
On behalf of the NFDI4Microbiota Use Case measure team,
I wish you all the best and a relaxing start to the New Year!
Kind regards,
Maja Magel
PS: Feel welcome to forward this mail to your collaborators.
Please excuse double postings to your mail.
Projektkoordination NFDI4Microbiota
Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie
Research Group Functional Microbiome
E-Mail: mmagel(a)<> (I'll be back on January 2nd to answer your questions)
Aufzug D4, Etage 5, Raum 34
Universitätsklinikum Aachen
Pauwelsstraße 30
52074 Aachen
1 year, 2 months