Dear all
Thanks for completing the poll for the NFDI BioMed Workshop 2025!
== Date ==
Please block 2025-12-02/-04 (Tue-Thu) for now. Wed, 2025-12-03 works
for everyone and the days before and after work for at least (n-1) people.
== Location ==
Logistically, the Rhein/Ruhr area would be preferred. Therefore, if your
consortium would be willing to co-organize the workshop and has an
institution in the area, please see whether you could get rooms during
the three days listed above. We can also think about renting a location
and splitting the costs, in case we don't find anything. Alternatively,
4Immuno can offer Berlin as a backup location.
We will try to finalize the planing at our next Jour fixe on Fri, 2025-02-28.
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