NFDI4Energy Newsletter 3/2024
by Newsletter for NFDI4Energy
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National Research
Data Infrastructure
for Interdisciplinary
Energy Systems Research
NFDI4Energy News 3/2024
Welcome to the third edition of theNFDI4Energy
<> Newsletter in 2024.
In this edition, we are happy to announce the 2nd NFDI4Energy
Conference, introduce our Task Areas 4 and 5, and update you on past and
upcoming events.
If there are specific topics you'd like us to cover in future editions,
feel free to let us know (info(a) We look
forward to hearing from you!
We hope you had a jouyfull summer and wish you a productive week! Happy
Save the Date for the 2nd NFDI4Energy Conference on March 25 and 26, 2025!
*Stakeholders interested in and working on research data
management solution for the energy domain are cordially
invited to save the date for their participation at the 2nd
NFDI4Energy conference in Karlsruhe.*
The conference goals are bringing the community together, discussing
current and future research trends, and identifying opportunities for
cooperation. Further, we aim for convergence of the different activities
in the community to a common understanding, a shared vision, and an
overall goal regarding research data management.
The conference will take place in Karlsruhe organized by NFDI4Energy in
cooperation with KIT. English will be the primary language of the
Go to website <>
Meet the Task Areas (TA) of NFDI4Energy
*In this section, we introduce the task areas (TAs) of NFDI4Energy to
provide a clearer understanding of our objectives and make our
consortium´s work more tangible. *
*The work in NFDI4Energy is structured in seven task areas - in this
edition, we will present TAs 4 and 5, shedding light on NFDI4Energy
topics regarding FAIR data infrastructures for Energy System Research
(TA4) and Simulation in interdisciplinary Energy Research (TA5). These
TAs play a major role in providing FAIR Data and Software in Energy
System Research.*
*Task Area (TA) 4: FAIR Data for Energy System Research*
▶ _Brief overview:_
TA4 develops ontologies and metadata standards to help with cataloguing
energy systems research data. TA4 also integrats several services into
the NFDI4Energy platform: a terminology service for searching
ontologies, a registry for datasets, a knowledge graph to link datasets,
and more. Our goal with all of these artifacts is to make it easier for
energy system researchers to find data and share their results.
▶ _(Interim) Results_:
TA4 has formed an internal working group with members of other TAs
to get involved in the ontology development process.
In concert with other TAs, TA4 is leading the creation of
architecture documentation for the NFDI4Energy platform and the
various services that will be integrated into the platform.
An NFDI4Energy Terminology Service has been created, allowing users
to explore energy-related ontologies.
▶ _Next steps_:
Continue to refine the requirements that the ontologies need to
meet, in coordination with the other Task Areas.
Work on expanding an energy domain ontology that will be used in the
NFDI4Energy platform.
Integrate the Leibniz Data Manager (a data set registry tool) into
the platform.
* Task Area (TA) 5: Simulation in Interdisciplinary Energy Research*
▶ _Brief overview:_
Task Area 5 aims to enhance the use of simulation in energy research for
experts and non-experts by adhering to FAIR principles (Findability,
Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) for data and software. It
focuses on improving the findability of research software through a
registry based on a software ontology and providing an ontology-based
approach for reusing existing simulation models in energy system
scenarios. Additionally, it aims to improve the interoperability and
reusability of research software through a simulation middleware,
offering Simulation-as-a-Service.
▶ _Next steps:_
Implement an ontology of energy simulation software and invite
experts to contribute to it
Use the scenario ontology to configure simulation scenarios
Conceptualize the Simulation-as-a-Service including mosaik,
VILLAS-framework and DaceDS.
Find all TAs on our website <>
*NFDI4Energy at the FOIS 2024*
On July 15-19, 2024 NFDI4Energy representatives joined the 14th
International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS
2024) <> in Enschede,
Netherlands. The weeklong event brought together researchers from around
the world to discuss current projects and developments in formal
ontology, from theory to application, across diverse scientific domains.
NFDI4Energy representatives presented the paper "Developing
Interoperable Ontologies for Research Data Management in the Energy
Domain" at the Emsusto (Energy, Materials and Sustainability Ontology)
They met up with other energy-domain ontologists and got great feedback
on their plans for ontologies in the energy systems research domain. The
tips, tools, and techniques shared at the conference will help to
proceed with creating the semantic backbone of the NFDI4Energy services.
*NFDI4Energy at the Dialogtag Wirtschaft und Technologie*
The 5th Dialogtag Wirtschaft und Technologie
<> took place on July 17, 2024 in
Karlsruhe, Germany. This event offered a diverse program on the topic of
'Openness and Transparency in Economics', with many opportunities for
exchange. Furthermore, the event included presentations of current
research projects. NFDI4Energy collegues had the opportunity to present
and discuss public involvement in open energy research at this event.
*NFDI4Energy at OSMSES 2024*
On September 3-6, 2024 NFDI4Energy representatives were part of the Open
Source Modelling and Simulation of Energy Systems (OSMSES
2024 workshop in Vienna! The event focused on open-source tools for
power and energy systems modeling, bringing together component and
system manufacturers, power grid operators, energy suppliers, and
research institutions. NFDI4Energy representatives engaged with the
community and promoted discussions on research data management for
interdisciplinary energy system research. The event underscored the
importance of open-source in energy research, aligning with
NFDI4Energy’s goals of advancing research data management practices in
the field.
*Many thanks to our representatives for their time and engagement that
allowed NFDI4Energy to be represented at these events!*
*Upcoming Events*
If you want to get in touch with NFDI4Energy representatives, you can
find them at the following upcoming events:
19. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik: <>
September 16-19, 2024 - Würzburg, Germany
KonKIS 24: <> September 18, 2024 -
Göttingen, Germany
DACH+ Conference on Energy Informatics:
<> October 09-11, 2024 - Lugano, Italy
EOSC Symposium: <> October
21-23, 2024 - Berlin, Germany
2nd NFDI4Energy Conference
<>: March 24-25, 2025 -
Karlsruhe, Germany
CoRDI 2025 <>: August 26-28, 2025 -
Aachen, Germany
We look forward to meeting you there!
National Research Data Infrastructure for Interdisciplinary Energy
Systems Research
In <>
Website <>
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Faculty II of Computing Science, Business Administration, Economics and Law
Department of Computer Science
Group of Digitalized Energy Systems
Ammerländer Heerstraße 114 - 118
DE - 26129 Oldenburg
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